Sunday, December 29, 2019

the S stands for snowflake

ZakS wrote this post but he didn't like what I had to say... the comments there are moderated and mine never appeared. So here it is!

2. unkind, spiteful, or unfair.
"it was very mean of me"
Similar: unkind, nasty, spiteful, foul, malicious, malevolent
vulgar slang> shitty

There's no way to access G+ anymore so I don't know how you expect anyone to show receipts for specific examples of most of their interactions with you online - pretty convenient for you!* However, the implication held within the first paragraph of this post is "Why are you still reading this blog but not engaging?" and that's the unasked question I'm going to answer whether you like it or not.**

This is me being completely honest and forthright with you about what I think and feel. If we were at a bar, sharing a drink, and you asked me if you are unnecessarily mean on the internet then this is what I would say. If you want to delete it, then I'll happily unsubscribe from your blog. (Spoiler alert: I unsubscribed.)

Interacting with you online forced me to raise my game, and it definitely caused me to take more consideration with the words I typed. But eventually I decided engaging with you wasn't worth my time or energy. I stopped commenting on your posts, or trying to engage in conversation with you, because I didn't enjoy seemingly endless debates about things that I didn't hold very strong opinions about. I noticed when I sat back and just lurked that you would go back and forth between acknowledging the context of a conversation; it looked manipulative, and it was personally relieving that I wasn't having conversations with you anymore. The last interaction I remember having with you was about level drain, and you were basically saying my opinion was wrong so I said "I just don't like it" and that seemed to end the discussion. (I'm sorry if that's vague and not specific enough, but your looming threat of deleting comments that don't meet your personal standards is, frankly, bullshit. It's my #1 pet peeve on the internet, incredibly ironic coming from you when you're trying to debate behavior on the internet.)

In general, I take Mandy (and Jennifer, and Hannah, and Vivka) at face value when they say your behavior in private matched or exceeded your exasperating behavior online. I'm not willing to debate you about this, and frankly I think your attempts to confront people online about this subject just looks like you're trying to start a game of petty high school 'he said she said' crap that you should be above. Once upon a time I was a shitty boyfriend, and it's only in hindsight that I can say I was a shitty boyfriend because at the time I felt everything I did and said was justified. But I swallowed my pride and moved on, I didn't go around trying to argue with people who chose my ex over me.

I still read your blog because I keep hoping you'll go back to writing about actual D-and-fucking-D instead of wasting your time fighting a war of attrition against people who are strongly invested in ignoring you. If I were you, I'd stop going after Mandy or anybody else who calls you names, and just focus on gaming. You still have friends, and presumably you still play RPGs, right? Just bury yourself in that and stop fixating on things you can't change.

* - there was a post on G+ that just said "Destroy" and it was a link to somebody who does not like Zak for whatever reason, I don't care about specific details, but you don't have to understand contextually anything about that post or Zak's history to look at it and think "Oh, he wants people to go after this other person. That seems bad." 

 ** - The rules of this post are designed to benefit Zak and Zak's opinion, especially since a lot of what people find objectionable about him only exists in screenshots now. My opinion is invalid because I didn't follow the rules, oh well. Zak had a giveaway of Cube World content and you had to email him for it, I wanted to see what one of these pdfs looked like before I bought anything from him, but he refused to participate in the giveaway with me because of my opinion above. He called me a liar for having a thought he didn't like. Seems spiteful (see above). I haven't tried to buy anything related to Cube World and probably won't unless I can do it without interacting with Zak.

Sunday, December 15, 2019


I'm working on something for Apocalypse World

Coming soon!